Sample of Placement Test

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1- I went to a lovely ........ last Saturday. The bride was my best friend when we were at school.

2- “I’ve got a headache.” “Maybe you ........ to take an aspirin.

3- The patient had an ........ to insert metal pins in his broken leg.

4- She won a seat in parliament at the last .........

5- I’m surprised you didn’t get upset. If someone said that to me, ........ really angry.

6- She was so upset that she burst ........ tears.

7- Where did you go ........ holiday last year?

8- Ocean currents ........ play an important part in regulating global climate.

9- My cousin ........ getting a job in Bahrain.

10- This used to be ........ part of the city, but since the old buildings were renovated, it’s become a very fashionable area.